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Fund Religious Sisters Caring for the Elderly in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay

Project Code: 298-05-39

They are truly a blessing for the thousands of people who have become elderly and dependent on the help of others. “They” are the Little Sisters of the Elderly and Defenseless. In Spain alone they care for over 15,000 elderly, sick and infirm people. They run homes for the elderly in Portugal, Germany, Italy and Mozambique. However, their main field of activity is in South America. Here, in a total of 16 different care homes in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay, no fewer than 114 Hermanitas are caring for those who can no longer care for themselves. Support this Project

All those entrusted to the care of these Sisters are treated by them “like kings,” in accordance with the instructions of their foundress, Saint Teresa Jornet, who said, “Invest all your strength and effort on behalf of the elderly and love them as powerfully as you love Christ.” In every care home the same guiding principle applies: “Care for their bodies, so that their souls may be healed.” Not surprisingly, therefore, in addition to providing all the physical and medical care needed, the Sisters pay great attention to their spiritual welfare and to a loving and warmhearted approach.

For those residents who are still capable of taking on little tasks, they are encouraged to do so by the Sisters. For example, Manuel Rodriguez, though well over 80, still regularly helps to prepare the religious services in his care home in Lima. And Anibal helps out from time to time in the joinery workshop to contribute a little to the support of the home. Both men are full of praise for the wonderful atmosphere in the care homes run by the Hermanitas: “The Sisters treat us with such warmhearted, kindly affection; we are so grateful to them."

The service rendered by these Sisters is absolutely indispensable–yet entirely voluntary and for no reward. But since they devote themselves so completely to helping and caring for the elderly, they are unable to earn any kind of regular income for themselves, and the kind of state subsidies that are sometimes given in some European countries are rare indeed in South America.

Consequently, your generous donations are absolutely vital to their support and thereby also directly benefit the elderly and sick in their care. ACN has been supporting the work of the Hermanitas for many years now, and we would like to be able to give them another $9,900 this year.

Will you give to support these Sisters helping the elderly in Latin America? We are sure they, and the people they serve, will remember you in their grateful prayers.



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