Complete a new parish center in Ukraine Project Code: 438-01-19 Little more than a decade old, the Parish of Saints
Cyril and Methodius in Krekhivtsi, Ukraine, was founded in 2004, and its parish
church was only formally consecrated in 2013. It is in the care of the priests
of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, but the Sisters of the Institute have
had their novice house in the grounds of the parish ever since the year 2000.
Their community, which was founded in Argentina in 1984, is enjoying numerous
vocations in Ukraine. It is bi-ritual – which means that the Liturgy is celebrated
both in the Latin and in the Byzantine rite. The community is very active in the work with children and young people. It has also organized a so-called "faith school," which is in effect a catechetical program for adults. As a result of the atheistic upbringing in the former Soviet Union, many generations have grown up without any clear knowledge of the Faith. As a result, many parents are unable to answer the questions of their children. Many of them say, "How am I to teach my children to pray, when I myself only learned the Our Father from the television?" But at the same time there is a very strong desire among many people to learn more about God. It is this need that the priests and religious Sisters of the Incarnate Word are trying to meet through their catechetical programs, but currently they do not have any suitable place in which to offer this catechetical teaching. Work has now begun on a new parish center, which will benefit some 200 families in the future. ACN is helping with a contribution of $7,800 for the installation of the windows. Archbishop Volodymyr Vijtyshyn of Iwano-Frankiwsk has most warmly recommended this project to us and at the same time expressed his gratitude for everything the benefactors of ACN have already done for his eparchy (diocese) in the past. "We thank you with all our hearts for the solidarity and generous help that we have always had from you. We thank you also for the great contribution you have made to building up the Catholic Church here, and we pray daily for your intentions. Our prayer is a just small sign of our profound gratitude." Will you now help complete this new parish center in Ukraine?
Aid to the Church in Need commits to invest your funds where they will have the greatest impact for the Church that we serve. Funds donated to Aid to the Church in Need’s projects will be used towards the greatest need in our programs to help keep the Faith alive. |