Cows for a Seminary in Colombia

Project Code: 214-02-39

Thanks to our benefactors, this project “hope for the future,” has been completed.

For a long time, the major seminary in the town of Girardot in Colombia was dependent on financial support from abroad. Located on the banks of the Rio Magdalena about 83 miles south-west of the capital, Bogota, this seminary was no different from hundreds of other Catholic seminaries around the world. Without financial support, it was impossible for the seminary to cover the costs of the training, board and lodging of the young men who were preparing one day to serve as priests at the Altar of the Lord.

But sometimes God's providence points in new directions, and so it was with the seminary of Girardot, which today is able to provide at least a significant part of its own support. This became possible after a Catholic farming family offered the seminary 500 cattle at an advantageous price. It was clear to everyone that this was an excellent idea, since with this herd the seminary would be able to produce its own milk and also rear beef cattle, some of which could later be sold. Thinking about the long term future, this was a potentially profitable enterprise that would enable the seminary to be largely financially independent within a few years.

Another benefit is that the seminarians would be able to acquire, in addition to their academic studies and spiritual development, useful practical knowledge and skills in cattle rearing and milk production, which they could then perhaps one day pass on to others, in the parishes in the rural regions for example. For in many such impoverished and isolated regions, the priest does not only have to be a good priest but must also be able to help ordinary people with their practical day-to-day problems.

In order to move forward and buy the cows, the seminary needed financial support. Bishop Héctor Julio Lopez Hurtado of Girardot hoped that ACN would be able to help, since this was a project dear to his heart. He wrote, "May God grant that you will be able to support this project, which is a hope for the future."

Thanks to our benefactors, ACN was able to help, giving him $7,300 so that the herd of cattle could be purchased. Now the seminary has much less need of outside support, allowing ACN to instead help other seminaries that are in still greater need and do not have the same possibilities for supporting themselves.

This now completed project is an example of our work. If you would like to support a similar project, then please indicate the reference code below when making your donation. Thank you.


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