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Support a Care Center for the Disabled in Georgia

Project Code: 445-04-19

In the Republic of Georgia, there are few care facilities available for the handicapped. Generally speaking, families are left alone to cope as best they can in caring for them. And the situation is even worse outside the capital city, Tiflis. In fact, in rural regions, there is no help whatsoever.

The town of Achalziche in the south of Georgia has some 17,300 inhabitants. There are 232 registered handicapped individuals in the town, although the real, hidden figure is likely to be much higher. In 2010, a small center was established here for the physically and mentally handicapped. During their regular house visits to these handicapped, the Sisters of Saint Nino had discovered that there was a very great need for a ministry to the handicapped and their families. Many young people with physical or mental disabilities are condemned to isolation and have no prospects of a dignified or independent future. Given their state of health and poor living conditions, they are unable to gain any kind of education or develop their interests and abilities.Support this Project

The small center is open from Mondays to Thursdays, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. On these days, the patients are brought to the center in a hired car for education and therapy. On Fridays, the staff of the center go on house visits, together with volunteers. The aim of the therapeutic exercises and the education is to strengthen the physical and mental facilities of the patients and help them in this way to live more independently in everyday life.

However, the existing rooms are too small and cramped and in an almost 19th-century condition, without proper sanitary facilities and without a kitchen. Because of the extremely limited and unsuitable nature of these premises and the lack of financial resources, it has not so far been possible to look after more than six people in the center. Now the Camillian Fathers, who already have a great deal of experience with this kind of program, are planning to establish a professionally-run care center for 30 patients. It will have a variety of different therapeutic and care facilities.

Bishop Giuseppe Passotto, the Apostolic Administrator for the Catholics of the Caucasus region, has written to ACN for help: "People with disabilities in Georgia live on the margins of society, without any future or any prospects. The plan is to extend our work for people with such handicaps, by means of a new care center where they can experience the love of God and be cared for and helped to advance to the extent of their capacities. Our parish is very poor, and this project cannot be carried through without outside support. On behalf of all those with disabilities to whom, with God's help, we hope to be able to offer a better future, we send our heartfelt plea for your kind consideration of our request and your support for this project."

We are hoping to be able to help with a contribution of $9,900, and so we, in turn, are relying on your generous support. Will you help support this care Center for the handicapped in Georgia?

This project is an example of our work. Your donation will be attributed either to this or to another similar project that accords with the pastoral needs that ACN witnesses.  



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