We are all missionaries: ACN's exposition is a success among WYD pilgrims In the context of World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ACN has prepared a multimedia exposition on the missionary work it performs all over the world at Largo da Carioca square, one of the most central places in Rio de Janeiro. The exposition comprising videos, a chapel of the Blessed Sacrament and an international pavilion with volunteers from ACN offices in the Americas and Europe, was designed to inspire the youth to become disciples and missionaries of Christ, each according to one’s possibilities. Starting on Monday, July 22nd, visitors from all over the world came to see the tents set up for the multimedia and interactive technology used in the expo. Both young people and adults, including pilgrims and just regular citizens passing by the “wonderful city” downtown were impressed with tents set up for the exposition and felt compelled to see for themselves its content and were deeply touched by what they saw. Due to its privileged location and easy access thousands of people flocked into the expo, named “We are all missionaries”. The exposition itself, designed with the latest video and interactive multimedia technology, consists on a set of short clips in three different languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English) showing what ACN does and what the visitor can do concretely to help the Church in Need in those territories of missions, and the missionaries around the world. But, most importantly, to start seeing themselves as missionaries right where they live and work. At the end of the videos, a hologram-style projection of Our Lady of Guadalupe is shown at the touching sound of a human heartbeat as visitors are led to the chapel to pray and paste a sticky note on a wooden cross expressing their desires to help the missionary Church. On a monitor, the most important events of WYD are displayed live and volunteers from eight of the 17 international offices of ACN greet the visitors and share their experiences. A highlight of the exposition is a stand sponsored by ACN where young men and women hand out YouCats, the version of the catechism of the Catholic Church designed for the youth, providing explanations and materials to deepen its contents. This year, ACN Brazil provided the distribution of 1.5 million copies of this catechism for Brazilian dioceses, archdioceses and movements to help the young people of the country with most Catholics in the world to prepare for WYD Rio, and strengthen their faith in the Year of the Faith, inaugurated by Benedict XVI on the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Vatican II Council. The great surprise of the first day of the exhibition provided by the Pope himself who passed by close to the event site in the papal automobile. The Holy Father expressed his great charisma and tender care greeting pilgrims and blessing children as he passed by just a few meters away from ACN Missionary Expo, ending its first day in great style. |