Help for the renovation of the major seminary in Jos Project Code: 141-02-19 In the Western world, many seminaries are being forced to close their doors because of the lack of vocations, and many dioceses have only a handful of new priestly ordinations. In many parts of Africa, by contrast, the seminaries are simply bursting at the seams. And the rectors are having sleepless nights wondering how they will manage to accommodate the many new candidates who wish to join them. Sadly, at times potential new vocations must be turned away, simply for lack of space. One such institution currently facing this problem is the seminary of Saint Augustine in Jos, central Nigeria. At present there are 327 young men studying for the priesthood. The seminary was the target of an extremist attack in 2008. The neighboring monastery was burnt down and it was only thanks to the courageous intervention of the students themselves that the attackers were prevented from doing still more damage. Since then, a group of seminarians now take turns each night to guard the seminary grounds. But this is not the only challenge. There is simply not enough space for the many students, and the building housing most of the seminarians needs to be extended. It also needs renovation, since the walls have cracks and the roof is damaged, allowing the rainwater to penetrate during the rainy season. When this happens, the seminarians living on the top floor have to cover up their books to protect them from the rain. In fact, with the passing of time there is an ever greater danger that some parts of the building might even collapse. But there is no way the seminary can afford the kind of extensive building program that is needed, since it already has to pay for the training and upkeep of the many seminarians, and all these costs are constantly rising. If the building is not renovated, and becomes uninhabitable as a result, the smooth running of the seminary will be endangered.. Where would the many seminarians go then? ACN has therefore promised to help the seminary with a contribution of $23,800.