The Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King say thank you for our help for the renovation of their novitiate

Success Story

The Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King are a local congregation originating in Bosnia. Sister Ivanka Mihaljevic has been a member of this congregation, which is engaged in pastoral as well as in social work, for 22 years now. Since 2009, she has been its Provincial Superior for Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina, which means that she has responsibility for 260 sisters and 13 different religious houses.

Despite all the upheavals in their society, many young people still feel called to the religious life, as Sister Ivanka can confirm. However, it is by no means easy to follow the call of God in our modern times. As Sister Ivanka explains, "Everything has become quicker and noisier. The new digital media are everywhere. Young people in particular are influenced by this. They are inwardly unsettled, and do not respond to the call of God because they do not hear it. Religious vocations require silence; only then do they mature. That is why I tell young people: Do not be afraid to discover the will of God…"

Fortunately, for quite a few, these words fall on fertile soil. Currently, six young women have joined the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King as candidates, while four others have become novices and are preparing to embrace the religious life. Another 10 young women have already taken their first, temporary vows and are undergoing further training. Later they will work in schools, hospitals or in a parish. ACN has already helped the congregation to carry out renovation and alteration work on the novitiate, with a grant of $39,800. And ACN is also helping with the formation of these Franciscan sisters. Sister Ivanka has written to express their heartfelt thanks to all our benefactors!

Code: 444-05-19


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