After the World Cup in Brazil, the bare bones of faith remain
Monday, August 4, 2014
A parish that is the size of Arizona
The 2014 World Cup has come and gone; both the uproar over
its excessive costs and the spectacle of the games are fast becoming distant
memories. The spotlight that gave international audiences the merest glimpses
of the largest Catholic nation in the world has ruthlessly moved on.
Brazilians, especially the most needy, are once again left to their own
devices, coping with ordinary life and its challenges.
Yet, they are never truly alone—the Church makes sure of
that. It does so through the tireless and courageous work of priests like
British-born Father Peter Shekleton, a missionary in the country’s Amazon
region. He got his start in Brazil
ministering in the slums of Sao Paulo, but when he took a group of Catholic
youth on an expedition to the Amazon forest a good decade ago he discovered the
Diocese of Saint Gabriel of the Waterfalls: a vast territory the size of
Arizona with barely any priests.
Father Peter was shocked to discover that some communities
in the diocese had not seen a priest for as long as ten years; that the people
were longing for a pastor, that countless old people were simply waiting “to
die in peace.” The priest asked to be transferred to the parish of the Immaculate
Conception, in the heart of the Amazon forest, where for years now he has been doing
his work in obscurity but with great conviction and gratitude. Two years ago he
took the reins of the parish of Barcelos, a mostly uninhabited area.
Father Peter takes his cue from St. Therese of Lisieux who
famously said: “We must sow the good seed without concerning ourselves whether
it will grow.” This missionary does the work and trusts God for the
For a long time he had to rely on a ramshackle boat to navigate,
he says, “rapids, dangerous currents, hidden rocks and constantly shifting sand
banks, and dangerous eddies—to say nothing of the fact that the water is full
of crocodiles, piranha and snakes.” His life became a bit easier recently when
benefactors raised the money to buy him new boat, named “Perseverance.” The
ship is a lifeline for this flock.
He is saddened by the
“godlessness” of many people he meets on his travels, blaming their lives of
dissipation on the “hedonism, individualism, consumerism and relativism”
promoted by contemporary media that, thanks to satellite dishes, have
penetrated even the remotest jungles. Nonetheless, he adds, “I often come back
happy from these journeys into the wilderness, because I have done what I
believe to have been my duty.”
Father Peter is undeterred, citing the words of St. Therese:
“Jesus does not look so much at how big or difficult our deeds are, but rather
at the love with they are done.”
Father Shekleton
discovered his vocation in 1991 when he heard the founder of Aid to the Church
in Need Father Werenfried van Straaten preach in London’s Westminster