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Iraq - Silence and passivity will encourage IS to commit more tragedies

The Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako has warned of the spreading violence of Islamic State (IS), saying, "Silence and passivity will encourage IS fundamentalists to commit more tragedies." The question must be asked, "Who will be the next?"

In a letter that has reached international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), he urgently calls for “effective international support.” 

At the same time, the head of the Chaldean Catholic Church complains that since August 6, “until now there is not yet an immediate concrete solution for the crisis we are facing,” while “on the other hand the flow of funds, arms and fighters continues to the IS.” 

The actions taken up till now have produced “no real change,” and “the fate of the affected people is still at stake, as if these people are not part of the human race.”  

He emphasizes that the international community, principally the United States and European Union, “due to their moral and historic responsibility towards Iraq, cannot be indifferent.” 

In his view, “the world conscience is not fully awake to the gravity of the situation”. 

The Patriarch pointed out that now, with the emigration of Christian refugee families, the “second phase of the calamity” has begun. 

In his words: “Iraq is losing an irreplaceable component of its society. (…) We do respect the decision of those who wish to migrate, but for those who wish to remain, we underline our long history and deeply rooted heritage in this land.”

“God has His own plan for our presence in this land and invites us to carry the message of love, brotherhood, dignity, and harmonious co-existence.” 

However, according to him, the full safety of the people in this region can only be guaranteed with the cooperation of the international community along with the Central Government of Iraq and the Regional Government of Kurdistan.

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