For missionary in Brazil, his boat is a vital tool for evangelization
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
"In order to remain alive and active, a Catholic community has to celebrate the liturgy."
Rodrigo Arantes
TEFE, Brazil (Oct. 21, 2015)—“You have to get used to
the distances,” the missionary says. That was one of the first lessons that
Father Pedro Paulo Schewior had to learn when—20 years ago, after leaving his
native Poland—he first came to Tefe, a town in the Amazon region of Brazil. In
practical terms, this means the priests spends days on end travelling by boat
visiting the various far-flung Catholic communities in Amazonia.
His boat, the Zé
Bezerra—recently repaired and spruced up to make it faster—is indeed a vital
tool for his missionary work spreading the Gospel among native people. For
example, there is the ‘parish’ of San Antonio de Ipapucu, which has become a
model of community life: inspired by example of the Apostles, the people help
one another in their work on the plantations, above all when a workers falls
ill. There is also a community orchard, plus collectives for every type of
Father Schewior can only be present there to say Mass
about 10 times a year; hence lay catechists have a crucial role beyond
formation of the people—the organize Liturgies of the Word on priestless
Sundays. Raimundo Menezes, the "pastoral animator" for the region,
emphasizes the importance of these liturgical celebrations for the
strengthening of the community: "In order to remain alive and active, a
Catholic community has to celebrate the liturgy,” he told international
Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need.
Life, in any case, is not easy for these locals, for
whom the arrival of the priest is a great consolation and cause for joy.
"The life of these people is not exactly idyllic,” despite the gorgeous natural
setting, said the missionary.
Father Schewior waves goodbye to the faithful; ACN photo