Pope Francis in Mexico tells Church not to 'rest on its laurels'
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
He reminds us that he comes as a missionary of mercy and peace
By Julieta Appendini
MEXICO CITY—During his visit to Mexico, Pope Francis has expressed his concern for
people’s social problems, pain and suffering, and he has shared optimistic
messages of hope and comfort. His smile graces all his language and his
expressions of love permanently underscore his words.
“The tears of those who suffer do not go
unseen,” he said, while showing concern about “children and displaced persons.”
He invites the faithful to be, like St. Juan Diego, the ambassadors of the
Virgin of Guadalupe, through deeds of mercy, and being true to the Gospel of
the Beatitudes.
The Holy Father
expressed his concern about aimless youth, especially when noting that young
people are Mexico’s greatest asset. He spoke words of comfort for the neglected
elderly and at all times highlighted mercy as a Christian duty.
Putting his words into
action, he visited children with cancer and said that sometimes a single caress
helps them recover.
Aid to the Church in
Need (ACN), an international papal charity, is in close harmony with all of
Pope Francis’s initiatives. Through social networks and standard media, the ACN
echoes all his words and attitudes, aware that the Church “should not rest on
its laurels” and must fulfill its mission.
Mexico’s indigenous
population has featured in his speeches since his very first day in the
country. The Pope calls for a recognition of their contributions, which are
many, in building a pluralistic and prosperous nation, brimming with potential.
The Pope would like to see a Mexico that is a land of opportunity for all, so
people don’t have to leave their homeland in search of a better life. The issue
of migration — not only in Mexico but in the world — is therefore present in
his words and his heart as he calls for solidarity and mercy at all times.
The Pope also warned
that people should avoid three common temptations: ill-gotten wealth (from drug
trafficking, corruption and other causes), the vanity of placing ourselves
above the rest and pride — three temptations which Christ also faced in the
wilderness. The Pope noted that Jesus did not even reply to any of these
temptations—because one should not dialogue with the devil.
The Holy Father’s
message no doubt touched the hearts of many people going through various
circumstances. Today he reminds us that he comes as a missionary of Mercy and
Peace — a peace that Mexico cries out for in the midst of so much violence,
injustice and inequality.
Pope Francis invites all
Mexicans to be a Church that is the voice and hope for building a different
world of opportunity for all.
Appendini is the director of ACN Mexico
Pope Francis prays to Our Lady of Guadalupe; ACN photo