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Provide Electricity for 600 Christian Families in Syria

Many faithful are plunged in darkness for much of the time, since the electricity supply is often only available every other day. In some quarters of the city there has been absolutely no electric power at all for two and a half months.

In 2015, some 55,000 people were killed in war-torn Syria. Today, more than 13.5 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. Over 4 million Syrians have fled the country, and more than 7.6 million Syrians have fled their homes and remain as refugees within their own country. The situation is particularly serious in the city of Aleppo. Provide Electricity for 600 Christian Families in Syria

Forty-four-year-old Franciscan Father Ibrahim Alsabagh has been the parish priest in the Parish of Saint Francis in Aleppo since 2014. This is the largest Latin Catholic parish in the city. Father Ibrahim is loved and respected because he is close to his people. Like so many priests in Syria, he devotes himself not only to his pastoral work but also endeavors to help his people, who are suffering greatly because of the war, with their basic material needs.

One major problem for the people here is that many are plunged in darkness for much of the time, since the electricity supply is often only available every other day. In some quarters of the city there has been absolutely no electric power at all for two and a half months. Now some local firms are selling diesel powered generators.

Father Abraham has asked us to help 600 families for one year, so that they can pay for a more regular electricity supply. The cost comes to just about $23 per household per month. We are helping with $160,100.

Will you help provide electricity—light and hope— for 600 Christian families in Syria?

Progress: 1%
Progress: 1%
Raised: $ 2105     Goal: $ 160100

Code: 330-01-59

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