The Philippines--a Catholic oasis in Asia
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
The Church is concerned about both the general and religious education of the faithful. The people are deeply religious, but poorly educated.
Philippines is the only country in Asia where Christians—in this case Catholics—form
the overwhelming majority of the country. More than one-third of the population
of some 100 million is under age 15; another 10 million Filipinos are living
abroad. Reinhard Backes, who oversees projects in the country for international
Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), just returned from a
fact-finding mission to the Philippines.
By Maria Lozano
What is the main focus of the Church in the Philippines?
The Church is concerned
about both the general and religious education of the faithful. The people are
deeply religious, but poorly educated. To give one example, I attended a
wedding on the island of Luzon. Ten couples were married at the same time, and
all of them brought their children with them. There were quite a few of them.
It was explained to me that many couples live together before marriage and only
marry later, partly because they do not have the money—but also owing to a lack
of understanding of the faith.
What impressed you most on this trip?
The work of the Silsilah
dialogue movement on Mindanao, where the fighting over the past four decades
between government forces and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNFL) has
cost the lives of around 120,000 people. ACN has long been supporting this
initiative by Father Sebastiano D’Ambra, and Italian priest from Sicily, and Minda
Sano, a Filipina woman who herself comes from Mindanao. “Silsilah“ is Arabic for
chain, link or connection; the movement has been working for 40 years to
promote dialogue between the various religious and ethnic groups, to educate
teachers, strive for social justice, help refugees and establish schools, among
other vital initiatives.
Roughly 60 percent of the population of Mindanao is Christians, with
Muslims accounting for the other 40 percent. However, on other islands, Muslims
are in the majority, for example on Basilan. In some of those areas the
extremist group “Abu Sayyaf“ (or Sword Fighters) is active, launching attacks and abducting
people for ransom oney. In the past there have been repeated assassinations of
priests, religious and ordinary faithful. However, the Silsilah movement has
never allowed itself to be intimidated by the violence. Again and again its
representatives encourage Muslims and Christians to come together and talk,
building up trust and caring for the suffering victims on both sides.
What are the local Church’s biggest needs at present?
An estimated 10,000
people died as the result of typhoon Yolanda on the island of Leyte in 2013.
There was widespread devastation; many churches were destroyed, as well as the seminary
in the Archdiocese of Palo. This was a one-storey building not far from the
coast, which was totally devastated. ACN has already helped the archdiocese to
rebuild 10 churches. Now Archbishop John Forrosuelo Du has asked us to help for
the rebuilding of the seminary as well. The work has already begun in fact, and
the first seminarians are already living in the half-finished complex. They are
now building a massive multi-story building that will hopefully be able to
withstand future natural disasters.
ACN photo