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Help for the Formation of 22 Novices and Seminarians in India

The congregation's Province of Saint Peter was established two years ago. It is very poor and still dependent on outside support. At present, it has 22 young novices preparing for ordination. Are you able to support the future of the Church with their formation?

“We are immensely grateful to your organization, since we have no one else to turn to for help.” These were the words of Father Prabhakar Vangala, a provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Faith (Missionari della Fede), thanking ACN and its benefactors for their support over the years to help his congregation grow and flourish as it seeks to serve God and neighbor. Help for the Formation of 22 Novices and Seminarians in Indi

The Congregation is still very young. It was established in 1982 in Italy and has been present in India since 1989, where it is known as the Missionaries of Faith. It began in India with four priests; today, it already has two provinces, numerous ordained priests and a high number of new vocations. In fact, the number of Indian priests has grown so rapidly that many of them are now being sent into other parts of the world where there is a shortage of vocations.

The congregation’s Province of Saint Peter was established two years ago. It is very poor and still dependent on outside support. At present, it has 22 young novices preparing for ordination. Some of them have come from the state of Orissa, where at Christmas 2007 and again in August 2008 fanatical Hindus launched murderous attacks against Christians. Over a hundred people were killed and close to 50,000 Christians were forced to flee their homes, while numerous churches, Church properties and private homes were destroyed.

The families of these young men are for the most part extremely poor. Many of the novices are from remote villages and many of them are orphans. As a result, Father Vangala has once again asked us for support for their formation, since the province has to supply everything they need during this time – from food and lodging, to medical care, to clothing, teaching and educational materials.

Thanking ACN for the past support it has provided, Father Vangala said: “Without your generous and selfless help, we could not have done the wonderful work we have managed to do in our seminary. We were even able to provide our students with three meals a day.”

We do not wish to disappoint him, and so we are once again planning to help with $5,800 for this year.

Will you join in giving to support Father Vangala and his future Missionaries of Faith in India?

Progress: 4%
Progress: 4%
Raised: $ 220     Goal: $ 5800

Code: 317-04-79

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