Pray, Inform and Help

From the ashes of World War II, Aid to the Church in Need has grown into 17 offices around the world; thanks to concerned donors like you who pray, inform and help the persecuted and suffering church.  Moved by the same Mission, ACN offices around the world live the spiritual and cultural richness of the Catholic Church.



ACN_Australia ACN Australia ACN_Germany ACN Germany ACN_Portugal ACN Portugal
ACN_Austrai ACN Austria Kirch-in-Not ACN International ACN_Slovakia ACN Slovakia
ACN_BelgiumACN Belgium ACN_Ireland ACN Ireland ACN_South_Korea ACN South Korea
ACN_Brazil ACN Brazil ACN_Italy ACN Italy ACN_Spain ACN Spain
ACN_Canada ACN Canada ACN_Mexico ACN Mexico ACN_Switzerland ACN Switzerland
ACN_Chile ACN Chile ACN_Netherlands ACN Netherlands ACN_United_Kingdom ACN United Kingdom
ACN_Colombia ACN Colombia ACN_Poland ACN Poland ACN_USA ACN USA
ACN_France ACN France