Thank You for Your Concern

Support Lisa!
Blessed Sacrament Parish, DC
Lisa McKinnon
8 percent of goal achieved.
Goal: $500.00
Achieved: $40.00

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Fundraising Honor Roll

Since August of this year, a humanitarian crisis of truly shocking proportions has been developing in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. You probably have not heard much about it. Few have, but while we have been distracted by other things, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the violence in Iraq, and have fled to Kurdistan. They have nothing. Large aid organizations like the United Nations have been too slow to respond, and the essential needs of these refugees for things like shelter, food and medicine continue to be unmet. Winter is coming. Without your help, many of these refugees will not survive. Fortunately, Aid to the Church in Need is able to get essential supplies to the refugees in Kurdistan. I have taken on the challenge to help my parish raise funds for Iraqi and Syrian Christians. On behalf of Operation Saint George, DC, located in Washington DC, I am asking for your support so we can keep Christianity alive in the Middle East.


You can help them by doing 4 simple things.


First, you can pray.

            We at Operation Saint George are committed to praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day on behalf of all the people involved in this conflict. We pray for the victims of violence and persecution, that they may receive the material and spiritual comfort they need, and for the aggressors so that they may be moved by mercy and compassion rather than hate. You can learn more here


Second, You can make a donation. 

       An anonymous donor has committed to dollar for dollar matching funds for every donation, no matter how small.  So a donation for $5.00, becomes $10.00.  Also 100% of your gift made through my page or our team will go directly to help our suffering brothers and sisters in Faith in this troubled region, via Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic charity under the guidance of the Holy Father.


Third, you can learn more about this issue.

            There are many problems in the world. I know this. But when there is a humanitarian crisis, whether it is caused by a natural disaster like the tsunami in Japan, or caused by political disruptions like this one, Americans are swift and generous in their support for the innocent. The tremendous suffering of the Christian refugees in Iraq is under reported. You can be an advocate for this community by taking some time to learn more about the problem. Here is an article from the UK Telegraph to get you started.


Finally, you can share your concern with your friends.

            Don’t wait for CBS, NBC or NPR to figure out too late that this was a serious problem. Share your concern, and give your friends the chance to help save the lives of the refugees in Iraq and Syria.


Thank you and may God bless you,



P. S. Every dollar you give (up to $500,000) will be matched by a generous anonymous donor to Aid to the Church in Need and will be used to support the suffering and persecuted Church in Iraq and Syria.