Keep Hope Alive This Christmas!

Support Anna!
Sounds of Hope
Miss Anna M Smith
56 percent of goal achieved.
Goal: $500.00
Achieved: $280.00

Make a gift!

Fundraising Honor Roll

Dearest Friends,

This semester, I took on the challenge of organizing an A Cappella Christmas Benefit concert (Sounds of Hope) to raise funds to aid Iraqi and Syrian Christian refugees. Our concert was last thursday at Franciscan University of Steubenville. For all of you that were prayinf for a successful concert, thank you! It went really well and the students and other visitors were generous and the music was fantastic! We want to keep the cause going strong, especially after hearing a representative from Aid to the Church in Need explaining the great need of Christians in Syria and Iraq this Christmas. If you want to support the cause, we'd love to have your help! If you feel so called, I encourage you to remember our brothers and sisters in the Middle East this Christmas season. 

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together" (1 Cor 12:26)

100% of your gift made through my page or our team will directly go to help our suffering brothers and sisters in Faith in this troubled region, via Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic charity under the guidance of the Holy Father.

My fundraising goal is $500.00.  With the support of friends and family, I can make this a reality! To donate, click on the Support link at right. 

Thank you and may God bless you and all those you love,


Anna Smith


P. S. Every dollar you give (up to $500,000) will be matched by a generous anonymous donor to Aid to the Church in Need and will be used to support the suffering and persecuted Church in Iraq and Syria.