United in Faith for Iraqi and Syrian Christians

St. Francis of Assisi, Longmont, CO


Dear Friends,


On behalf of [INSERT TEAM NAME] located in [CITY,STATE], I am asking for your support to help our suffering brothers and sisters in Faith in Iraq and Syria.

With your gift, we will keep the Faith alive in the Middle East. Your support for our suffering brothers and sisters is urgently needed.

100% of your gift to our parish team or to individuals on our team helping us reach our goal will go to help the suffering and persecuted Church in Iraq and Syria, via Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic charity under the guidance of the Holy Father.

Our overall fundraising goal is [$DOLLAR AMOUNT]. Please make a donation today. To donate, click on the 'Support' or 'Make a gift' button at right .  Would you like to join our team?  Click on the 'Join Team' link below.

On behalf of our parish and our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, thank you for your support.

May God bless you,

Team Captain


St. Francis of Assisi, Longmont, CO Raised
dee smith $0.00
Team Gifts $3,486.09
Denotes a Team Captain