Day Eight of Novena
Prayer Intentions: Prayer for Children in Peril
Loving Mary,
Your own Son was delivered
Into the hands of the wicked,
Yet He prayed for his persecutors
And overcame hatred with the blood of the Cross.
Relieve the sufferings of the children of Syria.
Grant them peace, feed their bodies and souls.
May they have a renewed faith
In your protection and care.
Mary, Queen of Mercy, pray for Syria.
Novena Prayer:
God of Compassion, hear our prayers as we pray with Our Mother Mary, Queen of Mercy Hear the cries of the people of Syria.
Comfort those who suffer violence Console those who mourn the dead.
Give strength to Syria’s neighboring countries to welcome the refugees.
Convert the hearts of those who have taken up arms and protect those who are committed to peace.
God of hope, hear our prayers as we pray with Our Mother Mary, Queen of Mercy.
Inspire leaders to choose peace over violence and to seek reconciliation with their enemies.
Inflame the Universal Church with compassion for the people of Syria, and give us hope for a future built on justice for all.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace and Light of the world. Amen
Light a Candle for Peace in Syria
Novena For Peace in Syria
Day One Prayer for Peace in Syria |
Day Four Prayer for Families |
Day Seven Prayer for Eternal Hope |
Day Two Prayer for Relief from Suffering |
Day Five Prayer for Conversion of World Leaders |
Day Eight Prayer for Children in Peril |
Day Three Prayer of Healing |
Day Six Prayer of Compassion |
Day Nine Prayer for those Lost in War |